Table of Contents, October 2001, Vol.21: Special Issue

Volumetric Abdominal Imaging
By Elliot K. Fishman
From the RSNA Refresher Courses: CT Angiography: Clinical Applications in the Abdomen
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S3-S16. CME Test

Helping the Hepatic Surgeon
By Hyunchul Rhim, S. Nahum Goldberg, Gerald D. Dodd, III, Luigi Solbiati, Hyo Keun Lim, Massimo Tonolini, and On Koo Cho
Essential Techniques for Successful Radio-frequency Thermal Ablation of Malignant Hepatic Tumors
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S17-S35. CME Test

By William Scott Helton and N Joseph Espat
Invited Commentary
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S36-S39.

By Haesun Choi, Evelyne M. Loyer, Ronelle A. DuBrow, Harmeet Kaur, Cynthia L. David, Steven Huang, Steven Curley, and Chusilp Charnsangavej
Radio-frequency Ablation of Liver Tumors: Assessment of Therapeutic Response and Complications
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S41-S54. CME Test

By Ian A. Zealley, Stephen J. Skehan, John Rawlinson, Geoffrey Coates, Claude Nahmias, and Sat Somers
Selection of Patients for Resection of Hepatic Metastases: Improved Detection of Extrahepatic Disease with FDG PET
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S55-S69.

By Hoon Ji, Jeffrey D. McTavish, Koenraad J. Mortele, Walter Wiesner, and Pablo R. Ros
Hepatic Imaging with Multidetector CT
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S71-S80.

By Kengo Yoshimitsu, Hiroshi Honda, Toshiro Kuroiwa, Hiroyuki Irie, Hitoshi Aibe, Kenji Shinozaki, and Kouji Masuda
Unusual Hemodynamics and Pseudolesions of the Noncirrhotic Liver at CT
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S81-S96. CME Test

By Won J. Lee, Hyo K. Lim, Kyung M. Jang, Seung H. Kim, Soon J. Lee, Jae H. Lim, and In W. Choo
Radiologic Spectrum of Cholangiocarcinoma: Emphasis on Unusual Manifestations and Differential Diagnoses
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S97-S116. CME Test

By Richard L. Baron and Mark S. Peterson
From the RSNA Refresher Courses: Screening the Cirrhotic Liver for Hepatocellular Carcinoma with CT and MR Imaging: Opportunities and Pitfalls
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S117-S132. CME Test

By Harpreet K. Pannu, Warren R. Maley, and Elliot K. Fishman
Liver Transplantation: Preoperative CT Evaluation
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S133-S146.

Helping the Gastrointestinal Surgeon
By Mahesh V. Jayaraman, William W. Mayo-Smith, Jonathan S. Movson, Damian E. Dupuy, and Michael T. Wallach
CT of the Duodenum: An Overlooked Segment Gets Its Due
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S147-S160.

By Panos Prassopoulos, Nickolas Papanikolaou, John Grammatikakis, Maria Rousomoustakaki, Thomas Maris, and Nicholas Gourtsoyiannis
MR Enteroclysis Imaging of Crohn Disease
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S161-S172.

By Jonathan B. Kruskal, Robert A. Kane, and Martina M. Morrin
Peroxide-enhanced Anal Endosonography: Technique, Image Interpretation, and Clinical Applications
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S173-S189.

Helping the Trauma Surgeon
By John P. McGahan, Lianyi Wang, and John R. Richards
From the RSNA Refresher Courses: Focused Abdominal US for Trauma
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S191-S199.

By Alison C. Harris, Charles V. Zwirewich, Iain D. Lyburn, William C. Torreggiani, and Lorie O. Marchinkow
CT Findings in Blunt Renal Trauma
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S201-S214. CME Test

Helping the Urologist
By Jonas Rydberg, Kenyon K. Kopecky, Mark Tann, Scott A. Persohn, Stephen B. Leapman, Ronald S. Filo, and Arieh L. Shalhav
Evaluation of Prospective Living Renal Donors for Laparoscopic Nephrectomy with Multisection CT: The Marriage of Minimally Invasive Imaging with Minimally Invasive Surgery
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S223-S236. CME Test

By Sheila Sheth, John C. Scatarige, Karen M. Horton, Frank M. Corl, and Elliot K. Fishman
Current Concepts in the Diagnosis and Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Role of Multidetector CT and Three-dimensional CT
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S237-S254. CME Test

By Wim K. Volders, Geert Gelin, and Relinde C. Stessens
Best Cases from the AFIP: Hydatid Cyst of the Kidney: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S255-S260.

By Clair L. Shadbolt, Stefan B. J. Heinze, and Rosalind B. Dietrich
Imaging of Groin Masses: Inguinal Anatomy and Pathologic Conditions Revisited
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S261-S271.

By Vikram S. Dogra, Ronald H. Gottlieb, Deborah J. Rubens, and Lydia Liao
Benign Intratesticular Cystic Lesions: US Features
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S273-S281.

By E. Scott Pretorius, Evan S. Siegelman, Parvati Ramchandani, and Marc P. Banner
MR Imaging of the Penis
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S283-S298.

By Steven Brandes, E. Scott Pretorius, Evan S. Siegelman, Parvati Ramchandani, and Marc P. Banner
Invited Commentary Authors' Response
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S298-S299.

By Dennis M. Balfe and William W. Olmsted
Editor's Page : The 2001 RadioGraphics Monograph Issue: Abdominal Imaging: Continuing the Partnership between Radiologists and Surgeons
RadioGraphics 2001 21 (Special Issue): S1-S2.

RadioGraphics abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.

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