Essentials of Radiology

Essentials of Radiology by Fred A. Mettler, Jr., 2nd ed.
ElsevierScience, St. Louis, 2004, $49.95

Essentials of Radiology is a primer text aimed at people getting their first exposure to imaging, such as medical students, interns, and residents rotating through the radiology department. Overall, this is a fine text, which covers the basic concepts in an easy-to-digest format. However, it does suffer from being outdated in certain areas.

This paperback is appropriately organized into chapters based on organ systems, including neuroimaging, chest, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, breast, musculoskeletal, and pediatric imaging.

An introductory chapter that describes various modalities is also included. Although it is understandably difficult to details the complexities of imaging techniques within the confines of a primer, this chapter is still too brief to foster much sophisticated knowledge.

On the whole, the text is well written and organized. Most chapters begin with a condescended anatomy review using both x-ray and/or CT/MRI correlates. Although the images are satisfactory in general, the MR images in the neuroradiology section appear dated. All images are well labeled and arrows are used to point out the abnormalities, leaving no doubt about the findings.

Also included are several useful tables, which suggest the appropriate imaging study, based on the suspected clinical diagnosis. One of the best features of this book is that there is often a CT or MRI correlative image based on plain-film abnormality. This is particularly helpful in the chest section.

Finally, a few PET images are sprinkled throughout the text. Most of the major disease processes are broadly covered. A suggested reading list at the end of each chapter is also useful.

The text could easily be covered while on a one-month rotation through radiology. A comparable book is Squire’s Fundamentals of Radiology by Robert A. Novelline and Lucy Frank Squire (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004). If choosing between the two, Fundamentals has higher quality and larger images. However, many people will prefer the portability of Essentials of Radiology.

By Dr. E. John Madarang contributing writer
December 22, 2004

Dr. Madarang is a fourth year resident at Aurora Healthcare/St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee. In 2005, he will start a neuroradiology fellowship at the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.

The opinions expressed in this review are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of

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