GE launches pediatric CT scanning protocols

GE Healthcare of Chalfont St. Giles, U.K., has introduced a set of protocols designed to optimize and reduce radiation dose in pediatric CT studies.

GE's CT 4Kids package is designed for use with the company's LightSpeed VCT and BrightSpeed MDCT scanners. The protocols are based on GE's pediatric optimized dose reduction imaging technology.

The CT 4Kids protocols adjust dose based on the type of scan being conducted and the weight of the patient, up to 200 lb, and ensure balanced radiation dose and optimized diagnostic image quality for specific pediatric applications, according to GE. The protocols incorporate the dose reduction recommendations of the Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging's Image Gently campaign.

CT 4Kids protocols are color-coded for ease of ordering by emergency and referring physicians and selection by CT technologists. "Pink zone" protocols are recommended for most routine procedures or an initial scan. "Green zone" protocols provide an additional level of lower radiation dose and produce an image that displays more noise. A "gray zone" protocol is designed specifically for pediatric CT angiography, with the exception of cardiac CT angiography.

The protocols are designed for pediatric weight categories of 0-20 lb, 21-60 lb, 61-100 lb, 101-200 lb, and more than 200 lb. They complement existing pediatric imaging protocols for the LightSpeed VCT and BrightSpeed scanners and require manual downloading and installation, a process that takes approximately one hour. GE offers video training support for protocol installation if desired.

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