Radiology helps in Haiti; new society takes over MDCT meeting

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The radiology community is mobilizing to help with the humanitarian disaster in Haiti, where a devastated country is struggling to recover from last week's massive earthquake.

We're bringing you a pair of stories this week on what's going on in Haiti. For the first, contributing writer Donna Domino spoke with several radiology professionals who are familiar with Haiti and are involved in relief efforts -- including one University of Virginia radiologist who by just a few days missed being in Port-au-Prince at the time of the quake. Click here to read more.

The second article deals with the country's immense healthcare needs -- reports are already coming in of earthquake survivors who are dying due to lack of medical care and adequate supplies. Particularly at risk are children, according to the story, which you can view here.

And remember, it's not too late to help. Click here to view a list of charitable organizations that are assisting with relief efforts.

New society takes over MDCT meeting

In other news, the radiology world has a new professional society: the International Society for Computed Tomography (ISCT), which will be running the International Symposium on Multidetector-Row CT, the San Francisco conference formerly produced by Stanford University of Stanford, CA.

That's according to an article in our CT Digital Community, where international editor Eric Barnes spoke with Dr. Gary Glazer and Dr. Geoffrey Rubin of Stanford, who co-founded the new society along with Dr. Maximilian Reiser from Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany.

ISCT organizers believe that the time is right for CT to have its own specialized society, which will feature conferences in both the U.S. and Europe. Find out what other factors led to the formation of ISCT by clicking here, or visit the CT Digital Community at

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