Orex Computed Radiography

A cordless, wireless CR scanner and an enhanced range of specialized accessories highlight new additions to Orex's compact CR line at the 2004 RSNA meeting. The Auburndale, MA-based company is also introducing image management software bundled on all new sales of its CR devices.


The vendor's Orex ZR is a mobile CR scanner on wheels that can move freely without external power or network connections. It features a 4.5-hour battery life and Wi-Fi networking capabilities.

The system is targeted at both small and large facilities looking to capture digital x-ray images in multiple departments, according to the company. The Wi-Fi capability enables Orex ZR users to send high-resolution CR images over a secure wireless connection within the hospital's IT network, improving the portability and flexibility of the system.

For the company's ACL CR product line, Orex will demonstrate a mammography application as a work-in-progress.

Orex is also entering the PACS market with its Or-PACS software. The software supports DICOM 3.0 and is targeted at general radiology, radiation therapy, and orthopedics applications. Or-PACS will be bundled on all Orex CR units, according to the company.

By Robert Bruce
AuntMinnie.com contributing writer
November 11, 2004

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