Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

A growing body of research is developing that backs the superiority of digital tomosynthesis over conventional digital radiography (DR) in detecting lung pathology.

The most current study comes from Italy, where a research team led by Dr. Emilio Quaia from the University of Trieste compared digital tomosynthesis to DR in finding pulmonary alterations that could be signs of lung pathology. Their research is the subject of this edition's Insider Exclusive.

As with previous studies on digital tomosynthesis, the group found that the technique produced sharply higher sensitivity ratings compared to DR. Find out how much higher -- as well as some of the drawbacks of digital tomosynthesis -- by clicking here.

Another advanced digital x-ray technique, dual-energy imaging, was examined by Canadian researchers who asked radiologists to rate their preferences in a study that compared dual-energy imaging to conventional DR.

In other news, a recent study in the Lancet pooh-poohs the use of routine x-rays, MRI, and CT exams for back pain. Meanwhile, Belgian researchers examined the radiation dose delivered by imaging studies to infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in the country.

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