Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

We frequently report in this space on the development of computer-aided detection (CAD) applications for analyzing chest radiographs for lung cancer. In this edition of the Insider, we switch gears (slightly) to discuss a CAD algorithm developed in Italy for detecting emphysema.

The Italian researchers believe that emphysema could be a good candidate for CAD because the disease produces telltale deformations of the lung that can be recognized by software. If the application is successful, it could help digital radiography (DR) peel off some of the procedures going to CT -- a more expensive modality with a higher radiation burden.

How did the CAD technique perform in a group of 225 patients? Find out by clicking here for this edition's Insider Exclusive.

In other DR news this month, catch up on the following stories in case you missed them the first time:

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