Author guidelines and publishing opportunities wants your editorial contributions!

If you have a story idea or feature to contribute, feel free to send your proposal to [email protected]. It will be carefully reviewed by our editorial staff for relevance and/or appropriateness.

Why contribute to is the leading radiology website, with over 155,000 members. We provide the medical imaging community with a forum to gather information, educate themselves, and collaborate with other professionals.

Our registered users include radiologists, radiology administrators, technologists, members of academia, and industry representatives. If you want your message to be seen, is the place to put it. With you get:

  • Exposure in the medical imaging community
  • Feedback opportunities from your peers
  • Rapid publication
  • Editorial review

What can I publish on
While we encourage submissions in the categories noted below, we know we haven't thought of everything. Part of developing an online community is listening to what its members have to say. If you don't see an interesting category, be sure to check out our site map for more possibilities.

Editorial Opinions and KOL Content
Are you a key opinion leader (KOL) with an idea or opinion on a hot-button issue in radiology? Let be your digital soapbox! Just submit your idea to [email protected].

White Papers
An white paper is a nonpeer-reviewed paper on an important topic in medical imaging.

Try to keep your core submissions to a manageable size (between 800 and 1,200 words). Submissions that are promotional in nature will not be considered for this section: We do not accept submissions that promote a particular vendor, product, or customer site.

Editorials can be about a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Political developments that affect radiology
  • Important clinical, socioeconomic, or technology trends
  • A persistent or unmet need that affects radiologists and allied professionals

Editorials should be accompanied by a brief "about the author" biography that includes affiliation. You can also include an email or website address in this section, as well as a headshot to run with the story. We prefer images in JPEG format, under 1 MB in file size.

Submissions should be turned in as Microsoft Word files to [email protected]. Content will be edited by our editorial staff for grammar and punctuation. Upon request, edited files can be returned to the contributor prior to publication for review.

Case of the Day is always looking for interesting material for our popular Case of the Day feature. If you have images and text for an interesting case study, please contact [email protected].

Press Releases
We welcome press releases from medical imaging companies about important news in the industry. Please note that press releases will be edited to fit our editorial format and style. For more information about submitting press releases, please read our Content Contributor Guidelines.

The Fine Print

Manuscript Guidelines accepts unsolicited manuscripts for publication. reserves the right to accept or reject such manuscripts based on review by our editorial staff. Manuscripts will not be returned, and authors should retain a copy for their reference. reserves the right to edit manuscripts for grammar and to fit our editorial style. A copy of the edited document will be returned to the editor for review prior to publication.

Manuscripts should be submitted by email to [email protected]. We prefer files in Microsoft Word, but we will also accept text-only documents. We do not accept hardcopy manuscripts.

Editorial Style will not publish articles promoting a particular product, company, service, or customer. All manuscripts should be written in third-person style. All symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations should be defined on first use. Reference format should follow American Medical Association (AMA) style.

All images accompanying manuscripts should be sent as attachments, rather than embedded in text. We prefer images in JPEG, TIFF, or GIF formats.

If you need help interpreting these guidelines, contact [email protected].
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