AuntMinnie redesigns conference, education sections

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Maybe you noticed -- or maybe you didn't -- but we've made a few changes to the way you find conference and educational information on

We've created a new Conference Calendar department on the site to make it easier to find the meeting and CME event information you're looking for. The calendar home page has been redesigned to load more quickly -- and you can now search for conferences using a wide range of criteria such as host city, date, modality, or anatomical region.

You'll find the Conference Calendar as a new section in the purple navigation bar across the top of our Web page, or simply go to to reach the conference home page.

We've also created a new Education department for content once found in the Learning Center section. Here you'll find a wide variety of education-related AuntMinnie material, including our OnLine CMe offerings, Online Symposia presentations, and AuntMinnieTV video segments. You can also type in to get there.

So take a look, and remember that we always welcome your ideas and suggestions, which you can e-mail to us at [email protected].

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