Banner Specification -- Webinar

Webinars are pre-recorded multimedia presentations that can incorporate video, PowerPoint slides, and audio for on-demand delivery. AuntMinnie's on-demand technology allows you to deliver educational material and product information across a wide or narrow audience demographic. Depending on the components you choose to incorporate, you will need to supply deliverables for your presentation, the accompanying banners, and the webinar invitation e-mail.


Following is a list of ALL the deliverable types we will need. Technical Operations will indicate which of the deliverables are needed from you.

Webinar Deliverables Checklist, each deliverable is detailed below:
A. Webinar Title and Abstract
  1. [   ]  Title description in 60 characters or less.
  2. [   ]  Abstract, an overview of the presentation, may include graphics.
B. Webinar Presentation Material
  1. [   ]  Video file, uncompressed AVI or MPEG format, at least 640 pixels in width.
  2. [   ]  PowerPoint with audio, audio delivered as uncompressed WAV format along with a slide timeline.
C. Webinar Page Banner Ads
  1. [   ]  P08 banner ad with its click-thru URL.
  2. [   ]  P07 & P09, with their respective click-thru URLs.
D. Webinar invitation e-mail materials
  1. [   ]  Subject line of the e-mail broadcast, up to 60 characters.
  2. [   ]  HTML source code for the e-mail broadcast, see our easy-to-use template to get started.
  3. [   ]  Graphic file(s) that may be referenced from your HTML.
  4. [   ]  E-mail address(es) of your team to proof the e-mail broadcast.
E. Lead collection and landing page material (a free add-on!)
  1. [   ]  The incentive for users to provide their "lead" information, PDFs are commonly used.
  2. [   ]  A short descriptive teaser for the incentive.
  3. [   ]  What fields to collect, such as name, e-mail address, etc.
  4. [   ]  Contact (e-mail address) of recipient of the leads collected.

Webinar Title and Abstract [back to checklist]

The title and the first few sentences of the abstract are used on the webinar listing page and then again on the webinar page.
  1. The brief but descriptive title is 60 characters or less.
    Example: Study takes aim at physician self-referral
  2. The abstract is a short blurb of what the webinar presentation is about. You can also supply a few photos (JPG, GIF) that are related to the presentation material. Example: One of the most controversial topics in healthcare is physician self-referral -- when doctors refer patients to imaging studies conducted in their own offices. In this Online Symposium, physician self-referral opponent Dr. David Levin makes the case for why this might not be a good thing.

Webinar Presentation Material [back to checklist]

We will encode and optimize your presentation material for web delivery where the resultant display output is up to 640 pixels in width. We will maintain the aspect ratio of your source material. For example, a 4:3 aspect ratio file will be encoded/optimized for 640x480. This will allow the video to be accessible to both PC and Macintosh computers which can use a wide variety of browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari...etc.). We have also added support for the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod/Touch.

Here are working examples of the three presentation formats supported by AuntMinnie on-demand webinar system. Just click to watch!
2010 10 06 14 26 24 94 Video Only Video only -- Useful for product demonstations or where action is an important element of the message being conveyed.
2010 10 06 14 26 24 948 Powerpoint Audio PowerPoint with Audio -- We can "produce" your existing PowerPoint with audio for web-ready delivery.
2010 10 06 14 26 24 341 Powerpoint Video PowerPoint with Audio/Video -- We can "produce" your existing PowerPoint with audio and incorporate existing video clips for web-ready delivery.

Video Presentation Material

This applies to the Video Only, or PowerPoint with Video presentation formats. Your video file will need to meet the following specifications:
  1. A high-quality uncompressed AVI or MPEG format file. (Most uncompressed MOV or MP4 files or compressed but high-quality WMV files can be accepted; please allow extra time for testing.)
  2. Video at least 640 pixels in width. Aspect ratio is maintained. We do suggest that you stick with an aspect ratio 4:3 or 16:9 to help eliminate the black bands that can occur otherwise. Some examples, for a 4:3 aspect ratio our resultant file will be 640x480 but would preferably be something larger – (i.e., 720x540, 800x600 or 1440x1080, etc.). For a 16:9 aspect ratio, a good file deliverable would be 720x405.
  3. Your video submission needs to be your final, fully edited version that you want to be displayed. We'll encode it for web delivery.
Getting the files to us -- Since video files are typically large files, you can submit these a couple of different ways: 1) You can ship us a copy of the files on a data DVD or miniDV tape, or 2) We can provide you instructions for uploading the files to our FTP server. Contact us at [email protected] for any assistance with submitting your video materials. It is recommended to use one video file, as opposed to multiple files that need to be stitched together. Although we prefer one video file, we can accommodate if you have multiple files for your video.

PowerPoint Presentation

This applies to the PowerPoint with Audio, or PowerPoint with Video presentation formats. Your deliverables will need to meet the following specifications:
  1. The presentation may have up to 50 slides. Please be sure to include introductory and concluding slides.
  2. Please do NOT use transitions (wipe, fade, checkerboard, etc.) between slides; we are unable to translate special effects to the online format of your presentation, so please do not waste time on this effort.
  3. Links on slides are NOT supported.
  4. If you are providing audio (see below), you must either supply an index which details the audio timestamps corresponding to the slide number or include the audio on each slide. Example: Slide 2 - 4:10 to 6:35
  5. We recommend using a simple, legible, high-contrast background and 20-point font size selection for your presentation theme. This translates well when converted to the online version of your presentation.
  6. Our on-demand production tools are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint or Office versions 97/2003/2007.
Audio File

Your audio quality is a critical part of a successful webinar presentation. Avoid costly mistakes and expensive revisions, especially if your presentation involves coordinating guest speakers. Take the time to prepare your speaking points and use quality recording practices.
  1. Turn off all beeping, ringing and chiming devices, and whirring fans that will cloud your audio quality while recording.
  2. Use a handheld microphone - not an on-board camera microphone nor a speakerphone. AuntMinnie has optimized its encoding for voice. While basic sound transitions should work fine, high-fidelity audio, such as complex symphonic soundtracks, may not encode well at web data rates.
  3. Spare your audience the idle chatter.
  4. Your audio file must not exceed 60 minutes. Reminder, roughly 40 minutes is the high-end of an adult's attention span.
  5. Speak clearly and slowly.
  6. Your final, edited audio file must be submitted to [email protected] in uncompressed WAV format. Final, edited audio means all excess talk, silence, background noise, etc., have been edited, and the audio is in the state you want it delivered. We must compress your audio after final preparations; therefore, it is in your best interest to provide the highest-quality format from which we can begin our initial pass. You may submit the audio in one complete file, instead of several individual files. This helps to ensure your slide transitions match your timeline in the finished product. Alternatively, you may submit an individual WAV file for each slide in the presentation. If you need assistance transferring the files to us, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for assistance with alternate delivery methods.

Webinar Page Banner Ads [back to checklist]

The Webinar Page is the main launching point for your presentation. The banner ads are eye-catching teaser graphics with a simple message or tag-line. They may be animated and may utilize Adobe Flash; please refer to ad specifications overview document for animation and Flash requirements.

Your first step as an exclusive sponsor of webinar page is to choose a layout from the following two layout options.

Layout Option #1 -- Showing the P08
2010 10 06 14 40 37 598 Webinar P08 Layout

Layout Option #2 -- Showing the P09 and P07 positioning
2010 10 06 14 40 38 204 Webinar P07 P09 Layout

Our ad specifications overview provides more detail on these banner ad deliverables. At minimum, you must supply non-Flash banners; animated or static GIFs, JPEGs, or PNGs are acceptable formats. Flash banners are optional. The maximum aggregate file size limit for all webinar banners is 140kb. As the exclusive sponsor of your webinar, you may allocate the file size wherever you see fit. For example, you may allocate a large portion of your file size "budget" to the top banner, while using simple branding for the side banner. Keep in mind that you may use up to 140kb for all non-Flash banners, and you may use up to 140kb for all Flash banners.

Webinar Invitation e-mail Deliverables: [back to checklist]

Each webinar includes an e-mail invitation for which its primary call to action is inviting AuntMinnie members to view the vendor webinar presentation. All webinar invitation e-mails are published in an HTML format, which is also made available online to those subscribers who cannot view HTML-formatted e-mail. Adobe Flash is not supported in e-mail broadcasts.

The layout of the e-mail is open format; please follow the specifications document for our sponsor-supplied broadcast here.

Lead Collection and Landing Page Material: [back to checklist]

For our webinar sponsors we offer a no-cost lead collection facility. This gives you the option for further dialog with the audience interested in your presentation. Collect key information from your audience in exchange for a giveaway such as a PDF white paper or a compilation of your presentation with additional details.

The layout of the data collection landing page is open format; please follow the specifications document for Lead Collection here.

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