Online College of PACS Administration with herman Oosterwijk fof Otech communications presents the Online College of PACS Administration.

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New 200 level courses
Course 203 Healthcare environment hazards
Learn how to protect yourself and your coworkers against hazards in the healthcare environment by clicking here.

Course 202 Image Display and Quality Control
In this presentation, learn how to establish a program for image display and quality control, based on DICOM and AAPM recommendations. Click here to get started.

Course 201 Digital Modality Integration
Learn the keys to successfully integrating digital modalities with PACS by clicking here.

100 level courses
Importing/exporting radiology studies
Getting external imaging studies into your PACS can be a challenge for any PACS administrator. Find out how to do it right by clicking here.

Networking and network management
Learn how to get the most out of your network and boost system uptime in this course by clicking here.

Enterprise Image Management
PACS isn't just for radiology anymore. Learn about the best ways to deliver images from your PACS to the rest of the healthcare enterprise by clicking here

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