Need job help? Find answers with the Career Center

AuntMinnie for You

How much should I get paid? Are people working more hours than they did five years ago? How will my experience affect my salary? If you’re looking for answers to questions like these, or if you're searching for a new job, take a moment to visit the newly updated AuntMinnie Career Center.

We’ve assembled all of the resources you need to help manage your career - and they're all in a new tabbed interface that makes the information easy to find. You can post a resume, find a job, and even research how much you can expect to be paid for specific positions. We’ve also added a Career News section that offers the latest news and follows the trends affecting your career.

When it's time to negotiate your salary, the AuntMinnie SalaryScan tool can provide valuable guidance on what others are being paid in similar situations. You can even see how this changes from one region of the country to the next.

Career Center -- just one more way that your AuntMinnie membership is working for you!
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