PET/MRI of the brain; Calif. rad knocks Radisphere; CT and Red Sea coral

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Researchers in Germany have produced diagnostic-quality images of patients with brain masses using a hybrid PET/MRI scanner, and say the experimental technology could have advantages over the current gold standard, PET/CT.

That's according to an article we're featuring in our Molecular Imaging Digital Community, based on a study that's appearing in this month's edition of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. The researchers performed a pilot study of PET/MRI on a small group of patients with intracranial masses.

They used an MRI scanner with a special PET insert designed to fit into the magnet bore, and developed with MRI-compatible components to avoid artifacts created by the scanner's powerful magnetic fields. Find out how it worked by clicking here, or visit the community at

Calif. rad knocks Radisphere

In other news, imaging services provider Radisphere National Radiology Group made waves when it launched earlier this year with a business model that brought it into direct competition with community-based radiology groups.

Now, a California radiologist who was employed by Radisphere on a locums tenens basis at a hospital near Fresno claims she saw evidence of quality problems in scans reviewed by the company's physicians.

Representatives for Radisphere and the hospital say the quality of service is in line with that provided by other radiology groups. Learn more by clicking here, or visit the Imaging Leaders Digital Community at

CT and Red Sea coral

Finally, what do CT, Red Sea coral, and global climate change have in common? Find out in this illuminating article, or visit our CT Digital Community at

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