Minnies 2012 finalists

Below is a list of the finalists in each category for the 2012 edition of the Minnies, AuntMinnie.com's campaign to recognize the best and brightest in medical imaging.

Winners in each category will be selected by AuntMinnie's expert panel and announced in October. To see the full list of semifinalist candidates, click here.

Most Influential Radiology Researcher
Dr. Peter Bach, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Dr. Wendie Berg, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Most Effective Radiology Educator
Dr. Keith Dreyer, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Anne Osborn, University of Utah

Most Effective Radiologic Technologist Educator
David Gilmore, Regis College
Bea Mudge, Johns Hopkins University

Most Effective Radiology Administrator/Manager
Kathy Knoerl, University of California, San Francisco
Carlos Vasquez, Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health

Best Radiologist Training Program
Duke University, Durham, NC
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Best Radiologic Technologist Training Program
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Weber State University, Ogden, UT

Most Significant News Event in Radiology
FDA moves forward in regulating CT radiation dose
Supreme Court upholds healthcare reform legislation

Biggest Threat to Radiology
Decline in Medicare and third-party reimbursement rates
Increased use of medical imaging by physicians in other specialties (turf battles)

Hottest Clinical Procedure
Cardiac CT angiography
Digital breast tomosynthesis

Scientific Paper of the Year
Detection of breast cancer with addition of annual screening ultrasound or a single screening MRI to mammography in women with elevated breast cancer risk. Berg WA et al, Journal of the American Medical Association, April 4, 2012. For AuntMinnie's coverage of this paper, click here.

Use of diagnostic imaging studies and associated radiation exposure for patients enrolled in large integrated health care systems, 1996-2010. Smith-Bindman R et al, Journal of the American Medical Association, June 13, 2012. For AuntMinnie's coverage of this paper, click here.

Best New Radiology Device
Aquilion CXL CT scanner, Toshiba America Medical Systems
SonixEmbrace automated breast ultrasound scanner, Ultrasonix Medical

Best New Radiology Software
iDose4 Premium Package CT radiation dose reduction software, Philips Healthcare
Syngo.plaza virtualized mobile image viewing software, Siemens Healthcare

Best New Radiology Vendor
Intrinsic Medical Imaging
(Three vendors tied for second place in this category.)

Click on the above links to learn more about each vendor.

Most Effective Philanthropy Program or Campaign
Putting Patients First program, AHRA and Toshiba America Medical Systems
Virtual Radiologic partnership with Doctors Without Borders/MSF

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