Residents Insider

Dear Residents Insider,

How can we begin to make this strife-torn world a better place for residents? By arguing more, according to a radiologist from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Saurabh Jha has found that spirited, sometimes raucous debate not only keeps his radiology residents awake, it engages them in ways that didactic lectures can't, while addressing any number of critical patient care questions.

Debate has been so effective, in fact, that it's become an integral part of resident education at the University of Pennsylvania. Find out how it works in this issue's Insider Exclusive, brought to you as a subscriber before it is available on the general site.

One trend that's hardly debatable is paperwork's negative effect on residents and program managers. They are bristling at the growth of administrative tasks, complaining that such duties take precious time away from education and patient care. And, unfortunately, a workload that's been growing for years shows little sign of easing under a new accreditation regime that starts this summer. Find out how program leaders really feel and what they're doing about it.

Meanwhile, a former radiology resident at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center has filed suit against her institution and some of its staff members for what she alleges is failure to accommodate her disability. You'll find the story by clicking here, and if you're so inclined, you can sound off about the issue in our Residents Forum, where lively debate is a way of life.

If you think radiology is a male-dominated profession, you're right on target. Clues are beginning to emerge as to why women are avoiding radiology -- click here to learn more in a story by features editor Wayne Forrest.

In another article, the University of Pennsylvania's Dr. Jha explains why general radiology is heading for a comeback.

Finally, a story in this month's American Journal of Roentgenology lays out several surefire ways to derail your new career as a radiologist. A veritable compendium of bad behaviors is available for your enjoyment in an article you'll find here.

Be sure to scroll through the links below for more news about radiology residents, program managers, and the people who love them, right here in your Residents Digital Community.

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