Week in review: PET reveals e-cigarette effects | Ultrasound 'tornado' technique treats blood clots | CT unlocks secrets of Egyptian 'Golden Boy' mummy

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has been shown to cause all kinds of nasty pulmonary complications, most of which are identified on x-ray or CT imaging.

But in what researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia say is the first study of its kind, PET imaging used to compare the lung health of e-cigarette and regular cigarette users found a unique inflammatory response in the e-cigarette cohort. The study results were published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, and it was the most-read story this week on AuntMinnie.com.

The benefits of immunotherapy

Our second most popular article this week was posted in our Molecular Imaging Community and highlighted findings a team from Hebei Medical University in China reported on how PET/CT radiomics could help identify patients who would benefit from immunotherapy.

Ultrasound ... tornado?

In our third most-clicked story, researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta described a technique they developed that creates an ultrasound "tornado" to treat acute blood clots inside the brain, reporting that the approach shows promise for patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Check out our Advanced Visualization Community for details.

Once you've finished perusing the latest advanced visualization news, browse our Artificial Intelligence Community to discover what contributing writer Bob Jacobus, CEO of AI Metrics, has to say about what's next in cancer imaging (our fourth most popular story of the week) and what key challenges radiology faces in delivering the best cancer patient evaluation and care.

Golden boy

Finally, our fifth most-read story showcased how Egyptian researchers used CT to digitally "unwrap" a 2,300-year-old mummy affectionately dubbed "Golden Boy" due to the 49 amulets with which he was bedecked in order to protect him as he journeyed into the afterlife. Find out more in our CT Community.

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