Week in review: ISMRM 2023 takes center stage| Mammo AI | SalaryScan continues

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Our coverage from the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and the International Society for MR Radiographers and Technologists (ISMRT) in Toronto dominated our Top 10 list of most highly viewed articles this week.

Our most popular ISMRM stories included the following coverage:

You can find these stories and more, including video interviews, in our ISMRM 2023 RADCast.

Mammo AI

Mammography AI algorithms can do more than just detect current breast cancer. They can also offer value for predicting a woman's future risk, according to a featured story this week in our Women's Imaging Community.

After comparing the performance of five different AI algorithms with the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium risk model in a study involving over 13,000 women, researchers from Kaiser Permanente Northern California found that all five outperformed the commonly used risk model for predicting incident cancer within the next five years. However, the best results were achieved when the AI algorithms and the risk model were combined.

SalaryScan continues

Our SalaryScan initiative for gathering the latest compensation and benefits data for the radiology community continues this week. Please take a few minutes now to fill out the survey to help produce the most accurate results for your fellow AuntMinnie.com members. As always, your responses will be kept totally anonymous.

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