Brenda TilkeClinical NewsESR adopts 'bigger is better' membership strategyAlthough the Radiological Society of North America continues to host the world's largest radiology meeting, the Vienna-based European Society of Radiology (ESR) hopes to surpass RSNA's membership numbers, partially through an innovative low-cost membership drive. The philosophy behind the membership drive can be summed up with ESR's new slogan: "The bigger we are -- the better we can serve you."August 12, 2007MRIAlliance for MRI gains delay, but new European rules still loomA coalition of European MRI advocates won a partial victory in June in its fight against new safety regulations that some believe will effectively shut down the use of MRI across the European Union. But the Alliance for MRI, led by the European Society of Radiology (ESR) of Vienna, faces additional struggle in winning a permanent injunction against implementation of the rules.July 25, 2007Molecular ImagingPET/CT, whole-body MRI each has merits in metastatic breast diseasePET/CT and whole-body MRI appear to be separate but equal when it comes to detecting metastatic disease in breast cancer patients, according to a recent study. Moreover, both 1.5- and 3-tesla scanners successfully detect metastatic and recurrent disease, but with some caveats.May 28, 2007Industry NewsRadiologist at Louvre trades healthcare for high artPictures may tell a thousands words, but art can also hide deep secrets. It’s the job of French radiologist Dr. Elisabeth Ravaud to discover what lies beneath some of the world’s greatest paintings and sculptures.October 31, 2002CTEuropean CT community works to cut pediatric radiation doseDriving the emphasis on dose reduction are new European regulations, as well as a more focused clinical interest on the potential risks of CT exposure, especially in children.April 1, 2002Industry NewsECR attendance holds steady as officials ponder cross-town moveAttendance at the 2002 European Congress of Radiology will be roughly the same as last year’s, despite a decrease in European attendance at the 2001 RSNA meeting in Chicago. According to ECR executive director Peter Baierl, this year’s meeting will attract about 7,000 professional attendees, with a total attendance of approximately 13,000.February 27, 2002Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMolecular ImagingPET/CT reveals new infections in ICU patientsF-18 FDG-PET/CT is a valuable approach for diagnosing unknown infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.UltrasoundUltrasound falls short for detecting endometrial cancer in Black womenMRIT2-weighted MRI shows promise for body composition analysisUltrasoundLUS reliable for care strategies in infants with RDSMolecular ImagingPSMA-PET tracer performs well in clinical trial