Dr. Giles BolandPACS/VNATeleradiology should focus more on improving patient outcomesIt's time to rethink teleradiology, according to Dr. Giles Boland, professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School. He believes that radiology groups should move beyond what teleradiology can do for them, and instead focus on what teleradiology can do for others -- namely, patients and referring physicians.December 10, 2012Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMolecular ImagingPET/CT reveals new infections in ICU patientsF-18 FDG-PET/CT is a valuable approach for diagnosing unknown infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.UltrasoundUltrasound falls short for detecting endometrial cancer in Black womenMRIT2-weighted MRI shows promise for body composition analysisUltrasoundLUS reliable for care strategies in infants with RDSMolecular ImagingPSMA-PET tracer performs well in clinical trial