John Brosky[email protected]MRIPolitics blocks widespread use of breast MRI for implantsVIENNA - In the region served by the Ribera public hospital, around 10,000 women have received defective Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) implants, a population that would quickly overwhelm the radiology service if MRI examinations were authorized, according to Dr. Julia Camps Herrero, head of radiology at the center in Alzira, Valencia, Spain.March 6, 2012MRI3T MRI opens new avenues for breast cancer diagnosisVIENNA - It's early days, but the power of high-field imaging is going to push the limits of what radiologists believe is possible in breast MRI, noted Dr. Thomas Helbich, vice chair of radiology at the Medical University of Vienna, in a pre-European Congress of Radiology meeting.February 28, 20122011Elastography advances but doesn't replace breast ultrasoundVIENNA - The future of ultrasound in breast imaging is elastography, according to the Advances in Ultrasound session Wednesday organized by the European Society of Breast Imaging.March 1, 20112011Rubik's Cube and radiology: A conversation with Yves Menu, MDPresiding over this year's European Congress of Radiology will be Yves Menu, MD, the French gastrointestinal specialist. For his day job, Menu faces the equally daunting task of reorganizing the department of radiology at Saint Antoine Hospital in Paris.February 20, 2011PACS/VNARegional networks deconstruct PACS in FranceNANCY, FRANCE - "Take archiving and communications out of PACS, and what is left?" asked Frédéric Lefevre, of the University of Nancy, in a session at the Volumetric Scanner Symposium on whether France can ramp up its effort to build a national network for sharing medical images.January 27, 2011CTDose reduction trumps horsepower at French CT symposiumNANCY, FRANCE - The word of the day was "dosimétrie," or the measure of radiation dose, at this week's annual Volumetric Scanner Symposium in France. The new focus on dose control represents a sharp shift from previous meetings, which were dominated by discussions of growing CT scanner horsepower.January 26, 2011ISFrance goes online with national patient record initiativePARIS - Earlier this month, France went online with the long-awaited Dossier Médical Personnel program by opening a portal to enable physicians in five pilot regions to create electronic health records for patients.January 20, 2011UltrasoundContrast ultrasound helps direct chemotherapy treatmentPARIS - French researchers have found that contrast-enhanced ultrasound can help to determine whether chemotherapy should be stopped, continued, or even enhanced, according to a presentation at the Journées Françaises de Radiologie annual congress.October 26, 2010MRIFrench radiology faces crisis due to lack of scannersPARIS - Despite good patient outcomes, France has a critical lack of imaging technology that must be addressed if the nation is to maintain the same level of healthcare quality available in other European countries, according to the opening press conference of the Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR) meeting.October 25, 2010Page 1 of 1Top StoriesEconomicsMedicare Quality Payment Program changes affecting radiology practices for 2025In a new column, Erin Stephens of Healthcare Administrative Partners fdetails the key Medicare Quality Payment program changes that radiology practices need to know about in 2025.Radiation Oncology/TherapyConsolidation reigns in radiation oncologyWomens Imaging'Social capital' tied to more screening mammography uptakeMRIbpMRI, mpMRI show comparable NPV for prostate cancerSponsor ContentRegister for a FREE Webinar March 19 @ 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET