Guido Prause, PhD[email protected]2011Computer assistance for image-based diagnosis and therapyAttendees at this year's European Congress of Radiology were offered a preview of novel developments in image-based computer assistance for diagnosis and therapy during the Imagine Workshop. The high-tech workshop included new developments from Germany's Fraunhofer MEVIS.March 6, 2011Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMolecular ImagingPET/CT reveals new infections in ICU patientsF-18 FDG-PET/CT is a valuable approach for diagnosing unknown infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.UltrasoundUltrasound falls short for detecting endometrial cancer in Black womenMRIT2-weighted MRI shows promise for body composition analysisUltrasoundLUS reliable for care strategies in infants with RDSMolecular ImagingPSMA-PET tracer performs well in clinical trial