Kyle Tucker[email protected]EconomicsThe true cost of radiology billingOne of the common questions radiologists have concerning their billing is how much they should be paying. What they typically mean when they say this is "What fee should I pay to a billing company?" Kyle Tucker of Dexios Radiology Billing offers an explanation in this new column.October 19, 2017Page 1 of 1Top StoriesMolecular ImagingPET/CT reveals new infections in ICU patientsF-18 FDG-PET/CT is a valuable approach for diagnosing unknown infections in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.UltrasoundUltrasound falls short for detecting endometrial cancer in Black womenMRIT2-weighted MRI shows promise for body composition analysisUltrasoundLUS reliable for care strategies in infants with RDSMolecular ImagingPSMA-PET tracer performs well in clinical trial