Patients need to be educated on AI use in radiology

Wednesday, December 4 | 3:40 p.m.-3:50 p.m. | SSM13-05 | Room S404CD
In this talk, researchers from Canada will report on patient perspectives regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in radiology.

Although there's tremendous interest among radiologists and the imaging community in the potential of AI, less is known about how patients' view AI and how they want it to be part of their care, according to presenter Dr. Scott Adams of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

"As radiologists seek to ensure our practices are patient-centered, we can learn much from our patients about how we can best improve the care we provide -- including through the use of AI," Adams told

The researchers conducted a patient engagement workshop with 17 participants from urban, rural, and remote communities, facilitating roundtable discussions to better understand patient perceptions of AI and their priorities for AI in radiology.

The study results suggest that the enthusiasm among the radiology community may not be universally shared among patients, Adams noted. Among some patients, the lack of familiarity with AI may initially lead to a lack of trust regarding the technology.

"However, upon learning more about potential applications of AI in radiology and the potential accuracy of AI tools, many patients felt that AI was a way to obtain the most accurate information," he said. "This points to the need for further patient education regarding AI in radiology, potentially through patient education campaigns led by the professional societies."

The study findings may guide radiologists, administrators, and AI developers in developing and implementing AI tools that meet patients' needs and priorities, Adams said.

Take in this presentation on Wednesday afternoon to learn more.

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