AI can aid radiologists in the fight against lung cancer

Liz Carey Feature Writer Smg 2023 Headshot

AI software can come to the aid of overwhelmed radiologists by aiding in the crucial tasks of detection, quantification, and future risk prediction of lung cancer on CT exams -- both in low-dose screening exams and in nonscreening chest CT exams.

Radiologists inundated with lung nodule findings may find that AI can come to their aid in the crucial tasks of detection, quantification, and future risk prediction of lung cancer on CT exams -- both in low-dose screening exams and in nonscreening chest CT exams.

Among common incidental findings in medical imaging, pulmonary nodules appear on about one-third of chest CT scans leaving radiologists and primary care physicians in sometimes difficult positions of advising and managing follow-up lung imaging, procedures, and evaluations. Compounding the pressure, updated lung cancer screening recommendations for people 50 years old and older, depending on their cigarette smoking history, mean demand for workup of pulmonary nodule findings is likely to increase amid concerns about fewer expert radiologists in the field.