A grayscale and color LCD join U.S. Electronics monitor offerings.

The Minneapolis, MN-based monitor provider will introduce two new models from partner Totoku. Both ME351i-Gray and CCL350i-Color are 20.8-inch, 3-megapixel portrait/landscape LCD monitors designed for medical imaging applications, according to the Minneapolis-based firm.
Both flat-panel displays are characterized by a high-contrast, high-brightness display as well as front-panel calibration sensors, U.S. Electronics said. They also offer gamma correction, a 10-bit built-in LUT, and DICOM calibration from a palette of 1021 gradations. Luminance stabilization is gained via Totoku's High Precision Lambda Sentinel II circuitry, according to U.S. Electronics.
By Erik L. Ridley
AuntMinnie.com staff writer
November 16, 2004
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