Online College of PACS: Integrating digital modalities

Dear Professional Media Insider,

The Online College of PACS Administration has opened its virtual doors for another session of PACS education.

The college's mission is to help PACS administrators meet the requirements of the Certified Imaging Informatics Professional (CIIP) program. We'll be delivering three 200-level courses over the next four weeks, with the goal of helping you prepare for the CIIP test on September 26.

Subjects will include the following:

  • Course 201: Integrating digital modalities into PACS (available now)
  • Course 202: Image display and quality control (September 4)
  • Course 203: Healthcare environmental hazards (September 18)

Returning to the lectern is guest lecturer Herman Oosterwijk of PACS education and consulting firm OTech of Aubrey, TX. We think you'll find Mr. Oosterwijk's wealth of knowledge to be of immense value in learning more about the details of PACS administration.

And if you'd like to dig deeper, you can always review our 100-level courses, available by clicking on the links below.

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