Reports from SIIM show; Michigan program cuts CCTA dose

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) meeting wrapped up this weekend in Charlotte, NC, with offering exclusive coverage of the show in our PACS Digital Community.

First up is an article on the unique challenges faced by PACS administrators at imaging centers. Unlike their hospital-based brethren, these IT professionals often enjoy less financial and staff support. But they can make their jobs less stressful and more productive by getting creative. Find out how by clicking here.

Next is a story on handheld devices for medical images. Debate has raged over whether these are toys or tools, but a SIIM presenter found at least one useful application for them. Learn what it is by clicking here.

Finally, if you're a radiologist and you think you could stand to lose a few pounds, you'll be interested in this story on how University of Maryland researchers developed a diagnostic workstation combined with an exercise treadmill, and tested whether radiologists using it improved their interpretation accuracy.

Get these stories and more coverage of SIIM in our PACS Digital Community, at

Michigan program cuts CCTA dose

Meanwhile, in our Cardiac Imaging Digital Community we're featuring an article on a study released today in the Journal of the American Medical Association that describes how Michigan researchers implemented a statewide program to reduce dose in coronary CT angiography (CCTA) studies.

There's nothing new about CCTA dose reduction, which previous studies have shown can be achieved through optimized scanning protocols and other techniques. What's unique about this study is the application of protocol optimization across multiple facilities in a region.

Could the Michigan study give ammunition to CCTA proponents in answering arguments that the technique delivers too much dose to be used routinely? We can't answer that question, but we can direct you to the story, which you can reach by clicking here.

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