PACSHealth of Scottsdale, AZ and Swedus, an affiliate of Sapheneia of Barrington, IL, and parent company Sapheneia based in Stockholm, have created PHS Technologies Group to develop and market patient radiation dose monitoring software.
Called DoseMonitor, the software is designed to monitor calculated cumulative radiation dose received during ionizing radiation procedures. Using mathematical algorithms and the standardized dose values of diagnostic imaging equipment, DoseMonitor calculates a patient's historical radiation exposure and provides a defined "red/yellow/green" alert system when an imaging test is ordered.
PHS Technologies Group plans to introduce DoseMonitor at the upcoming RSNA annual meeting, which begins on November 28 in Chicago.
Related Reading
Sapheneia nets 3 contracts, September 23, 2010
Sapheneia wins Ohio Clarity CT contract, April 9, 2010
Sapheneia touts processing software, December 2, 2009
GE to offer PACSHealth software, December 5, 2007
PACSHealth awarded Atlantic Health contract, November 6, 2007
PACSHealth awarded Australian contract, August 14, 2007
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