Importing outside studies into PACS cuts repeat imaging

Monday, November 29 | 11:35 a.m.-11:45 a.m. | VE21-11 | Room N227
A study team from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston will show how importing external images from CDs can reduce duplicate imaging.

Following up on previous research that showed that physicians would request repeat imaging studies on transfer patients despite having access to their radiological studies on CDs, the researchers wanted to determine if importing these images into PACS would lead to a decrease in repeat imaging, said presenter Jonathan Opraseuth, MD.

It did. Opraseuth will present data showing a statistically significant decrease in imaging rates following successful importation of their outside imaging studies.

"Enterprise availability of imported outside imaging in the receiving institution's PACS may reduce unnecessary repeat imaging, as well as the associated healthcare cost and radiation exposure," Opraseuth he told "It may also improve care efficiency for the transferred patient and resource availability for other patients requiring imaging."

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