PACS vendor Intelerad Medical Systems of Montreal will use the 2010 RSNA show to unveil its Master Patient Index (MPI), a new workflow application designed to address the challenges of connecting facilities that have information systems with separate patient medical record numbers.
Directly embedded into the reading workflow, MPI correlates otherwise separate patient databases. Based on the user's selected fields and confidence level settings, the index automatically presents patient matches directly within Intelerad's reporting worklist and reading workflow. Radiologists gain immediate access to all relevant prior images and reports from connected facilities without having to wait for support staff assistance or confirmation.
Also on display at the RSNA show will be a new image layout protocol for Intelerad's InteleViewer software that allows radiologists to build customized layout protocols based on multiple parameters including modality, body part, protocol description, and other study classifiers to combine current and prior study data. Layout can be presented quickly using sequenced layout protocols to streamline reading and reporting workflow.
New embedded IntelePACS 3D advanced visualization for the Intelerad InteleViewer will also be showcased. It incorporates advanced 3D processing tools to enable efficient reading workflow presented in a unified look and feel.
Embedding functionality in the viewer allows the radiologist to build combination image layouts, perform on-the-fly reconstructions, and set up direct side-by-side comparisons of reformatted current and prior study data, according to the company.
The user may also quickly switch between several reporting methods, such as embedded speech recognition, digital dictation, and quick templates with accelerated signoff workflow for each new case.
Intelerad also plans to highlight InteleConnect, a browser-based referring physician portal, at the RSNA meeting. InteleConnect allows radiology groups to notify referring physicians of critical results and provide media-rich reports on thin-client computers and mobile devices through a flexible interface, Intelerad said.
The application can provide interactive 2D and 3D key images, audio reports, patient search, e-mail notification for critical results, and status updates of ordered requisitions. InteleConnect can also be branded by radiology groups, the company said.
Related Reading
Intelerad announces IntelePACS upgrade, November 5, 2010
Intelerad nets VMware status, November 2, 2010
Intelerad completes Ontario install, August 24, 2010
Intelerad takes PACS order, August 4, 2010
Intelerad nets IntelePACS order, July 20, 2010
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