Diagnosing PE with the iPad; radiation protection pills; 1 week until RADExpo 2012

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

If you're short on time in the emergency room (and who in the ER isn't?), Apple's iPad offers a good alternative to a full-fledged PACS workstation for viewing images in cases of suspected pulmonary embolism (PE).

That's the conclusion of a new study we're featuring this week in our Advanced Visualization Digital Community. The article describes how researchers from Johns Hopkins University compared the iPad to a PACS display for mobile PE evaluation.

Radiologists using the iPad turned in diagnostic scores that were almost identical to those from the PACS display. The iPad also impressed the researchers by how quickly it was able to load images.

Learn more by clicking here, or visit the Advanced Visualization Digital Community at av.auntminnie.com.

Radiation protection pills

What if you could solve the entire dilemma over patient exposure to medical radiation (or at least most of it) by just popping a pill? It's no pie-in-the-sky dream, as several research groups pursue the goal of limiting radiation's deleterious effects on the human body though the use of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements.

We offer you two approaches this week in our CT Digital Community. Both groups have developed formulas based on antioxidants that aim to limit the amount of DNA damage caused by low levels of radiation, such as those administered during medical imaging scans.

They believe their efforts could complement ongoing work to reduce radiation levels that is focused on the imaging scanners themselves -- work that could ultimately run into technological limitations, leaving the need for an alternative. Get more details about a Canadian group's efforts by clicking here, and learn about a peer-reviewed U.S./German study by clicking here. Or just visit our CT Digital Community at ct.auntminnie.com.

One week until RADExpo 2012

If you haven't done so yet, you have just one more week to register for RADExpo 2012: Spring PACS Symposium, the latest in AuntMinnie.com's series of unique virtual conference events. We've assembled a stellar lineup of speakers for the May 15 event, and as with all of our virtual conferences, it's free to attend. Go to radexpo.auntminnie.com to get started.

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