Since the implementation of PACS, many clinicians who used to round in radiology regularly are seen less and less, said Dr. Lisa Lowe of Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics.
"Our trainees and the other department's clinicians/trainees are missing out on this learning opportunity," Lowe said. "Many trainees counted on this to learn radiology, but this opportunity is gone."
The pediatrics residency felt their residents needed radiology instruction, while the radiology department believed their residents needed more opportunities to teach and consult with other services such as pediatrics, Lowe said. As a result, the institution implemented a program that had fourth-year radiology residents participate in a one-month pediatrics-radiology rotation. During the rotation, the radiology residents round with the pediatricians, discuss the imaging studies, help plan imaging studies based on appropriateness criteria, and teach radiation safety.
"Not only has it been a big hit with all of the clinicians and trainees, the radiology residents find it very fulfilling as well," she said.
A clinician survey found that 80% would want a radiology resident on their service again.
"One of the implications for the study is that we've shown that doing a clinical rotation later in training can provide radiology residents the opportunity to develop important core training in communication (consulting) and systems-based practice (working with another department to improve patient care) that will make them better radiologists," according to Lowe.