Image sharing technology start-up NexGenic has unveiled ImageInbox, an application designed to allow patients to electronically send and receive full-resolution medical images from their computer or mobile device.
Patients can use ImageInbox as an iPhone/iPad app that can be configured with personal Google Drive file storage accounts, or as a free Java desktop/laptop version for local file storage. ImageInbox encrypts and transfers medical images between providers and patients in seconds, according to the vendor.
In addition, healthcare providers can use ImageInbox to electronically send and receive imaging records from their PACS for free for up to 100 exchanges each month, NexGenic said. Those with 100 to 999 transfers pay a flat rate of $199 per month, and those with more than 1,000 transfers are charged $499 a month.
NexGenic also offers multiple versions of its ImageInbox Annex Servers to meet the various image exchange needs of individual healthcare providers. The firm said that more than 60 facilities worldwide have adopted ImageInbox, including pediatric centers in North America, Europe, and Asia.