Academic rads in developing countries weigh archive options

Monday, December 1 | 11:40 a.m.-11:50 a.m. | SSC07-08 | Room S402AB
In this presentation, researchers from D.Y. Patil Medical College in Pune, India, will review the personal image archiving options available for use by academic radiologists in developing countries.

Radiology residents and consultants at the academic institution often need to take images with them for papers, seminars, clinical meetings, and conferences. However, there is no single perfect way to store academic images for these purposes, said presenter Dr. Amit Kharat, PhD.

"All the PACS and non-PACS options we have do not give a clear, smart option for having a personal library [that] can be available on the go and can be accessed from any system," Kharat told

As a result, the group sought to survey other resident and consultant radiologists in India to determine if they had a similar experience. Not surprisingly, the researchers received similar feedback from survey respondents, Kharat said.

"Our study shows that there is a lot of potential to develop a system wherein radiologists can store a single image, series, or entire study [as well as] simultaneously maintain and organize a database to have their own audited, secure personal digital library for future use with an option for local and cloud-based storage," Kharat told

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