ECR 2005 to emphasize nanotechnology, neuroradiology, and thoracic imaging

2004 03 09 11 29 14 706

VIENNA - At the closing ceremony of a very wintry ECR 2004, incoming president Professor Antonio Chiesa from the University of Brescia in Italy accepted the president’s medallion from the U.K.’s Professor Helen Carty, and promised a number of new initiatives for next year’s meeting, to be held March 4-8, 2005, at the Vienna International Centre.

While opening its doors to an expanding European Union, the Congress looks forward to the contributions of every radiological society around the world, Chiesa said. "However, we must not overlook the importance of nourishing and reinforcing the already-strong links between national European radiological societies and some specialty societies...that have contributed to making the ECR the truly outstanding society it is today," he said.

2004 03 09 11 29 56 706
Wiener wonderland: snow has been falling throughout most of ECR 2004, reaching nearly a foot (30.5 cm) deep in the park surrounding the Vienna International Centre.

Coming up next year will be a new categorical course on essentials in neuroradiology. The topic was chosen because the ECR is largely attended by general radiologists, and a practical approach is needed to update their knowledge in this crucial area. The foundation courses will be centered on the chest, "which will hopefully draw a number of radiologists who wish to refresh their knowledge on this topic," Chiesa said.

"As usual, state-of-the-art symposia and special focus sessions will be on some of today’s most interesting subjects," Chiesa said. New Horizons sessions will be dedicated to nanotechnology and drug-eluting stents, two areas at the forefront of modern radiology.

"We will (also) dedicate a primer to the fast-developing area of molecular imaging," Chiesa said. "It will consist of three multi-lecture sessions covering all aspects of subjects in a very comprehensive way."

2004 03 09 11 32 48 706
At the ECR 2004 closing ceremony, Professor Helen Carty welcomes incoming president Professor Antonio Chiesa, who will lead the 2005 meeting.

Meanwhile, the electronic presentation online system (EPOS) will be further enhanced to include interactive teaching sessions that will enable the audience to take part in questions and answers, he said. Next year’s guest countries for the ECR Meets program will be Hungary and Japan, along with Chiesa's home country, Italy.

"I hope to give a feeling of Italy to the whole congress next year," Chiesa said. He is director of the department of radiology at the University of Brescia.

By Eric Barnes staff writer
March 9, 2004

Related Reading

Growing ECR to stay put in Vienna, March 6, 2004

View from the president: Professor Helen Carty scans ECR 2004, March 4, 2004

ECR sees growth, new initiatives, solid research, April 7, 2003

ECR closes with record attendance and new plans for 2004, March 11, 2003

View from the president: Dr. Nicholas Gourtsoyiannis looks at ECR 2003

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