Imaging Center Radiology Insider

Dear Imaging Center Insider,

The Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiative has shown to be a positive force for the interoperability of healthcare information. The IHE does not create standards nor issue draconian decrees on how a vendor should solve a particular problem that relates to a product. Instead, it simply applies existing standards, such as DICOM and HL7, to solve real-world problems in the healthcare environment.

A recent survey conducted by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) determined that facilities with IHE-compliant systems and equipment were able to save both time and money following the integration profiles. Unfortunately, according to the same survey, there are still a number of sites that have yet to reap the benefits of the freely available initiative.

How does a practice go about creating an IHE-friendly environment? Jeffrey Ganiban and Dr. Nogah Haramati shared their thoughts on how a group can establish and implement IHE systems and equipment at the 2005 HIMSS conference in Dallas.

According to the duo, it's a combination of inventory, groundwork, contracting, and testing conducted in concert with an institution's vendors.

If you'd like to find out more about how to create a partnership for IHE interoperability with your vendors, click here. As an Imaging Center Insider, you have access to this story days before the rest of our members.

If you have a comment or story to share about any aspect of imaging center practice, management, administration, or financing, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.

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