Imaging Leaders Insider

Kate Madden Yee, Senior Editor, Headshot

Dear Imaging Leaders Insider,

Like any other physician, radiologists are susceptible to workplace burnout, a dangerous syndrome that can affect not only the well-being of individual doctors, but also the quality of care they provide to patients. How common is burnout, and how can it be ameliorated?

Dr. Felix Chew, section head of musculoskeletal radiology at the University of Washington, addressed these questions at the recent RSNA 2016 meeting. Find out what he has to say about the issue by clicking here. You can also check out our video with Dr. Chew at the RSNA meeting.

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As always, if you have a comment or report to share about any aspect of diagnostic imaging practice, management, administration, regulation, or financing, I invite you to contact me at [email protected].

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