RT enrollment drops in radiography programs

The number of students enrolled in radiologic science educational programs decreased in 2008, according to the American Society of Radiologic Technologist's (ASRT) 2008 Enrollment Snapshot of Radiography, Radiation Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine Programs.

First-year enrollments for fall 2008 were at 17,050 for radiography students, 1,314 for radiation therapy students, and 1,660 for nuclear medicine students, a decrease of 2.6% for radiography programs, 3% for radiation therapy programs, and 9.7% for nuclear medicine programs when compared with the 2007 survey.

In addition, the overall number of educational institutions offering courses in these disciplines increased, Albuquerque, NM-based ASRT said.

The survey was sent by e-mail to 1,000 directors of radiography, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine programs listed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists in September 2008, and a total of 668 participants responded, resulting in a 66% return rate.

ASRT also found that 9.4% of radiography program directors plan to decrease enrollment, while 7.4% reported they are going to allow additional students; 12% of radiation therapy program directors plan to decrease enrollment, compared with 10.2% who plan to increase enrollment; and 10% of nuclear medicine program directors plan to decrease the number of student enrollments, compared with 7.8% who are increasing numbers.

Related Reading

ASRT: Registered radiographers aid in forensics, January 16, 2009

ASRT names Martino as new CEO, December 15, 2008

ASRT, ARRT say more CT education needed, October 9, 2008

ARRT to require associate's degree, September 26, 2008

ARMRIT techs meet MRI accreditation rules, August 1, 2008

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