The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) of St. Paul, MN, has announced changes to its "ARRT Standards of Ethics" with revisions to rules regarding exams.
The new provisions include the addition of a new rule that specifies exam disclosure and continuing CE subversion practices that could subject radiologic technologists and candidates for certification to ethics sanctions.
Changes in another rule are designed to further clarify violations of examination regulations. The revisions prohibit the following:
- Disclosing or receiving exam information using language that is even close to that used in questions and/or answers from ARRT examinations
- Recreating in any way (even from memory) any portion of exams by any means, including the spoken word
- Utilizing or providing exam materials that were improperly obtained
- Any financial transaction (buy or sell) regarding exam information
- Claiming insider information regarding an ARRT exam
- Giving or receiving help during the exam
- Possessing unauthorized materials such as notes during the exam
- Impersonating or allowing impersonation of another candidate during the exam
ARRT also added a rule to identify unethical CE activities as ethics violations. Those activities include:
- Providing or assisting others in providing false information to ARRT or an ARRT-recognized CE recordkeeper
- Conduct resulting or potentially resulting in a false report of CE completion
- Conduct that in any way compromises the integrity of the CE requirements, such as sharing answers to post-tests of CE self-learning activities, providing or using false certificates of participation, or verifying CE credits that were not earned
A new section also warns that violating the ethics standards also may violate state or federal law. In addition to ethics sanctions, ARRT may pursue civil and/or criminal penalties against the individuals involved, the society said.
Related Reading
ARRT requires degree to sit for exam, September 18, 2009
ARRT launches exam security effort, May 21, 2009
ASRT, ARRT say more CT education needed, October 9, 2008
ARRT to require associate's degree, September 26, 2008
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