Sunday, November 26 | 11:20 a.m.-11:30 a.m. | S2-SSRO01-6 | Room S402
Here, attendees will learn about how ultrasound evaluation proves the safety and efficacy of radiotherapy for nonmelanoma skin cancer.
In his presentation, Vittorio Patane, MD, from the University of Campania will present his team’s findings, which show that radiotherapy with high-frequency ultrasound imaging should be considered in treating high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer.
While surgery is the go-to method for removing these skin cancers, radiotherapy can serve as an alternative if surgery is not an option. However, there is debate on radiotherapy’s use in cases of positive margins.
However, ultrasound with ultrahigh frequency (48 mhz) can assess skin pathologies more accurately and reliably than conventional ultrasound, Patane and colleagues noted. They noted that this ultrasonic technique can image skin layers in greater detail to assess the thickness and size of oncological lesions.
The researchers wanted to evaluate skin structures after radiotherapy treatment clinically and with high-frequency ultrasound.
In their study of 20 patients enrolled in radiotherapy, the researchers found that high-frequency ultrasound showed changes in the echogenicity of the skin layers, especially after radiotherapy treatment.
“The most frequently documented lesions were bands and areolas of hypoechogenicity in the radiotreated area which showed a slight increase in the vascular signal on Color Doppler, especially in more superficial layers of the skin, in agreement with the clinical findings of dyschromia and erythema in the treated area,” the team wrote.
What else did the team report? Find out more by attending this presentation.