GE to launch new e-Speed EBCT scanner

GE Medical Systems is launching e-Speed, the first completely new electron beam computed tomography scanner to be developed since the company bought EBCT vendor Imatron in December 2001.

e-Speed represents a significant improvement over C300, the most current EBCT scanner in Imatron’s lineup at the time the company was acquired, according to Jeffrey Sorenson, director of EBT marketing for GE Imatron. C300 was introduced at the March 2002 European Congress of Radiology. C300 can be upgraded to e-Speed. Both machines carry list prices of $2.2 million, according to Sorenson.

The e-Speed scanner has a completely new system design, with a new power source for smoother, higher resolution, a new multislice detector system, and a new data acquisition system.

The image limitation on C300 was approximately 250 to 300 images. Sorenson said e-Speed "will be at least twice as good in all areas." It will be launched at the American Heart Association meeting in November and at the RSNA show in December.

By staff writers
October 30, 2002

Related Reading

GE uses ECR as CT launch pad, March 2, 2002

Compared to cardiac EBCT, multislice dose packs a wallop, February 6, 2002

GE completes Imatron acquisition, December 20, 2001

CT sees growth, and new concerns over radiation dose, November 25, 2001

GE to buy EBT developer Imatron, September 24, 2001

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