AuntMinnieTV: Virtual colonoscopy learns a new trick

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Virtual colonoscopy's ace in the hole has often been its ability to detect abnormalities outside the colon. Now U.S. researchers are going a step further by using the technique to screen patients concurrently for aortic calcification, signs of which could be a precursor to a heart attack.

In this week's AuntMinnieTV segment, we profile research conducted by a group from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. According to lead researcher Dr. Jesse Davila, the group found it could conduct a CT scan to measure aortic calcification while performing VC.

The group found a high correlation between its measurements of aortic calcium and future cardiac events. The group's measurements also correlated well with other established cardiac risk factors, according to Davila.

Combining two studies into one could help extend virtual colonoscopy's cost-effectiveness and clinical utility. Learn all about the Mayo exam by clicking here, and when you're done, don't forget to check out our other AuntMinnieTV segments with the links below.

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