AuntMinnieTV: 64-slice CT shows mettle in coronary arteries

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

Clinical results are rolling in regarding the performance of 64-slice CT scanners for cardiac imaging. The technology is demonstrating its value in applications that have traditionally been difficult for less-powerful CT systems -- such as imaging of the coronary arteries.

In this week's AuntMinnieTV segment, we examine research presented at the 2005 European Congress of Radiology that compared 64-slice CT to the current gold standard for cardiac imaging, coronary angiography. A group from the University of Munich in Germany wanted to determine whether CT angiography could replace more invasive x-ray angiography for determining the extent of coronary artery disease.

The group found that 64-slice CT performed well in the coronaries, with researchers able to visualize 90% of all vessels with the technology. They also witnessed good performance in the visualization of stents.

There were some areas where 64-slice CT could use some improvement, however, and radiation dose remains something to take into account. Read all about the study by clicking here.

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