CT colonography keynote: Present and future

Wednesday, December 3 | 10:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m. | SSK08-01 | Room E351
CT colonography (CTC) expert Dr. Abraham Dachman will start off this year's CTC scientific sessions with a talk on the present and future of the technique.

He will highlight training of both radiologists and technologists, his training tool, research in MR colonography, computer-aided detection (CAD), noncathartic CT, and, finally, reimbursement and cost-effectiveness research on the exam.

Software advances are another important component in creating an efficient exam from the viewpoint of both the patient and provider. The publication of CAD research is in a lull right now, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is expected to meet in 2015 to discuss its recommendations for the procedure, Dachman told AuntMinnie.com.

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