Dynamic stress CT perfusion predicts adverse cardiac events

Monday, November 27 | 11:10 a.m.-11:20 a.m. | SSC02-05 | Room S504AB
In this session, researchers from Japan will describe how they successfully used dynamic stress CT myocardial perfusion to predict major adverse cardiac events in patients suspected of having coronary artery disease.

The diagnostic accuracy of dynamic stress CT myocardial perfusion is a hotly researched topic, but its role in predicting adverse cardiac events remains somewhat unclear, especially in patients without known coronary artery disease (CAD), Dr. Satoshi Nakamura told AuntMinnie.com in an email.

"Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the ability of dynamic CT perfusion to predict major adverse cardiac events among patients with suspected but not known CAD," said Nakamura from Mie University Hospital in Tsu.

The dataset included 193 patients who underwent both coronary CT angiography and CT perfusion between March 2012 and February 2015. Among all patients positively identified as having coronary artery stenosis based on CT angiography, patients also positive on CT perfusion had a significantly worse prognosis for major adverse cardiac events, compared with patients who were negative on CT perfusion scans.

"The combination of CT angiography and dynamic CT perfusion enables a more appropriate selection of candidates who may benefit from invasive coronary angiography with subsequent revascularization," Nakamura said.

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