Radiologist CTC experience crucial in spotting adenoma

Wednesday, November 29 | 10:30 a.m.-10:40 a.m. | SSK08-01 | Room E353B
The more experience radiologists have in evaluating CT colonography (CTC) scans, the better they seem to be at identifying adenomas, according to researchers from Italy.

This retrospective study evaluated the ability of seven radiologists to detect adenomas by examining 2,593 CTC scans. The radiologists' experience was quantified based on the total number of CTC scans they had inspected prior to the trial: fewer than 200, between 200 and 1,000, or greater than 1,000.

Radiologists who had previously examined more than 1,000 CTC scans uncovered a significantly higher number of distal adenomas than radiologists who had examined fewer scans. The difference was particularly pronounced in cases of advanced adenomas.

"High reading volumes, greater than 1,000 CTCs, may be required to achieve high adenoma detection rates in the distal colon," wrote Dr. Daniele Regge and colleagues from the University of Turin in their abstract.

Another option for improving the detection of distal adenomas may be to optimize radiologist training methods, they concluded.

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