TeraRecon, WhiteClouds make 3D-printed model of rhinoceros

2018 05 17 23 24 2184 3 D Printed Rhino 20180517235453

Advanced visualization firm TeraRecon and 3D printing firm WhiteClouds have created a fan-like 3D-printed model based on CT scans of an ailing rhinoceros.

A resident at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, Layla is a 7-year-old, 2,300-lb eastern black rhinoceros that underwent CT scanning after getting a sinus infection due to an impacted molar tooth, according to statement by TeraRecon.

A 'hinge-and-slice' 3D-printed model of a rhinoceros. Image courtesy of Kelly Tone of the Chicago Zoological Society.A "hinge-and-slice" 3D-printed model of a rhinoceros. Image courtesy of Kelly Tone of the Chicago Zoological Society.

TeraRecon and WhiteClouds created a 3D reconstruction of Layla's skull based on her CT scans and then 3D printed the model using WhiteCloud's "hinge-and-slice" technique. Printing with this method enabled the surgeons to open up the 3D-printed model and visualize targeted areas, which, in turn, helped them plan two surgeries to remove the impacted tooth and infected tissue.

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