Sydney startup launches COVID-19 training tool

2020 03 26 20 12 5959 2020 03 27 Ct Covid 19 Typical Thumb

An Australian startup has launched a free online, CT image-based tool to help clinicians better detect COVID-19.

University of Sydney spinoff DetectED-X has released CovED, a cloud-based software platform that uses CT lung scan images from Australian and European COVID-19 cases to help users improve their diagnostic skills. Each of its modules can be completed in about one to two hours, according to the firm. Users receive immediate feedback on their virtual diagnoses.

CovED is based on DetectED-X's BreastScreen Reader Assessment Strategy platform, which was created in 2010 at the University of Sydney. The company has also developed software for training clinicians to better diagnose dust disease with high-resolution CT images.

DetectED-X has collaborated with the University of Sydney, GE Healthcare, Volpara Solutions, the World Continuing Education Alliance, and Amazon on CovED, it said.

"Our platform does not replace expert medical and radiologic training, but CovED provides an effective way to recognize rapidly the appearances of COVID-19, which could be critical in a situation of too many patients and not enough expert radiologists, with the modules taking just one to two hours to complete," DetectED-X CEO Patrick Brennan, PhD, said in a statement released by the university.

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