Specialty CT manufacturer Xoran has now installed 1,000 of its compact conebeam CT systems worldwide.
Xoran's flagship MiniCAT scanner provides upright, point-of-care imaging of the sinuses, skull base, and temporal bones. Other offerings include its XoranConnect cloud-based PACS and backup system, as well as veterinary imaging systems and software.
In other recent news, Xoran was awarded a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to support research and development efforts related to lung CT. As part of the grant, the vendor has proposed an open-bore, mobile CT scanner to help in identifying lung disease.
What's more, the company has proceeded to the second aim of a Small Business Initiative Research (SBIR) grant from the NIH and National Cancer Institute. Xoran said it's now working to demonstrate the potential of integrating surgical navigation capability into a mobile CT device for use in intraoperative imaging.