USPSTF solicits comment on draft recs for CVD assessment

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is inviting comment as it develops a draft recommendation for assessing cardiovascular disease (CVD) via coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring or the ankle-brachial index.

The task force is considering the following questions:

  1. What is the effectiveness or comparative effectiveness of enhanced cardiovascular disease risk assessment with coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index on cardiovascular health outcomes?
  2. What is the effectiveness or comparative effectiveness of enhanced cardiovascular disease risk assessment with coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index on physiologic outcomes or patient and provider decision-making outcomes?
  3. Does the use of coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index to predict cardiovascular disease risk improve measures of calibration, discrimination, and risk reclassification compared with the use of multivariate cardiovascular disease risk assessment without these risk markers?
  4. What are the harms of using coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index for enhanced cardiovascular disease risk assessment?
  5. Does treatment guided by coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index lead to improved health outcomes?
  6. What are the harms of treatment guided by coronary artery calcium scoring or the ankle-brachial index?

The task force last evaluated the assessment of cardiovascular disease in 2018. It is taking comment on this current draft until May 22.

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